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Will there be changes during the diagnostic check?
Recently, the political party Nowoczesna has filed to increase penalties for drivers who interfered in the construction of the dpf filter. The project was rejected by the parliament, but does not change the fact that the government is constantly working on improving the air quality in our country.
Will there be changes during the diagnostic check?
Recently, the political party Nowoczesna has filed to increase penalties for drivers who interfered in the construction of the dpf filter. The project was rejected by the parliament, but does not change the fact that the government is constantly working on improving the air quality in our country.
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A faulty DPF can damage the turbocharger
Yes, unfortunately it is true. A clogged, inoperative DPF / FAP particulate filter or catalyst is deadly for your turbo. The situation may also be reversed and a defective turbo can lead to clogging of the particulate filter.
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